Maciej Trzeciak
I am a 4th-year PhD candidate in Engineering at the University of Cambridge,
where I work on 3D computer vision with cameras and lidars. My project is sponsored by BP,
Laing O'Rourke,
Topcon Positioning Group, and
Specifically, my research concerns improving accuracy in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for applications in Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industries.
I have experience in robotic state estimation,
optimization in 3D involving point clouds and images,
deep learning-based camera-lidar fusion and calibration.
I am also a SLAM consultant for both academic and industrial projects and a supervisor of a 3rd-year undergraduate module Statistical Signal Processing.
In the past, I was heavily involved in the development of BIM technology,
mainly at the Technical University of Munich. Feel free to get in touch with me using:
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Google Scholar
Undergoing research and recent publications
3D Scene Capture System
Maciej Trzeciak,
Ioannis Brilakis;
patent 2022, filing No: GB2210178.6
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A patent on real-time error prediction for handheld scanners utilizing pose graphs.
ConSLAM: Construction Dataset for SLAM
Maciej Trzeciak,
Kacper Pluta,
Yasmin Fathy,
Lucio Alcalde,
Stanley Chee,
Antony Broomley,
Ioannis Brilakis,
Pierre Alliez
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2023
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Extension of our ECCV 2022 paper
ConSLAM: Periodically Collected Real-World Construction Dataset for SLAM and Progress Monitoring
Maciej Trzeciak,
Kacper Pluta,
Yasmin Fathy,
Lucio Alcalde,
Stanley Chee,
Antony Broomley,
Ioannis Brilakis,
Pierre Alliez
European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, 2022
[ paper ]
[ poster ]
This dataset allows to measure the error of SLAM algorithms on construction sites.
Reducing spatial error in mobile laser scanning by real-time uncertainty visualization and human-machine interaction
Maciej Trzeciak,
Chris Burgoyne,
Ioannis Brilakis;
39th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), 2022
[ paper ]
[ video ]
[ proceedings ]
I predict the spatial error of point clouds produced by lidar-based handheld scanners based on the uncertainty level in the underlying SLAM algorithms.
Dense 3D reconstruction of building scenes by AI-based camera-lidar fusion and odometry
Maciej Trzeciak,
Ioannis Brilakis;
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2023
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extnesion of our EC3 2022 paper
Precise and dense AI-based mobile 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes by camera-lidar fusion and odometry
Maciej Trzeciak,
Ioannis Brilakis;
European Conference on Computing in Construction, 2022
[ paper ]
[ video ]
I reconstruct an indoor scene with very high resolution using my prototypic mobile scanner.
Comparison of precision and density of static and mobile laser scanners
Maciej Trzeciak,
Ioannis Brilakis;
European Conference on Computing in Construction, 2021
[ paper ]
[ video ]
I compare the precision and density of pointclouds produced by static and mobile laser scanners.
AI-based 3D reconstruction from a mobile visual-laser system
Maciej Trzeciak,
Shelley Arora-Tailby;
UK's National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing (NRFIS), 2020
[ article 1 ]
[ article 2 ]
An article by the UK's NRFIS briefly introducing my research project and my contrubtions achieved in my first year at Cambridge.
Other projects and publications
Before coming to Cambridge, I published the following papers while working at the Technical Univeristy of Munich.
Towards registration of construction drawings to building information models using knowledge-based extended geometric hashing
Maciej Trzeciak;
Borrmann, A;
26th International Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 2019
[ conference website ]
Here I explore the problem of aligning 2D engineering drawings with 3D digital models and propose and validate a method based on computer vision.
BIM4INFRA Guidelines: Part 9 - Exchange of Digial Models using Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
Borrmann, A;
Elixmann, R; Eschenbruch, K; Forster, C; Hecker, D; Hochmuth, M; Klempin, C; Kluge, M; König, M; Liebich, T; Schäferhoff, G; Schmidt, I;
Maciej Trzeciak;
Tulke, J; Vilgertshofer, S; Wagner, B;
mediaTUM, Germany, 2019
[ project's website ]
[ mediaTUM ]
Governmental guidelines on the theory and practicalisities of exchanging digial 3D models using the IFC standard.
The project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.
Design-to-design exchange of bridge models using IFC standard: a case study
Maciej Trzeciak;
Borrmann, A;
12th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018
[ conference website ]
This paper presents a case study of exchanging bridge models between two commercial
modeling applications using the vendor-neutral format Industry Foundation Classes (IFC).
Towards registration of construction drawings to building information models
Maciej Trzeciak
Forum Bauinformatik, Weimar, Germany, 2018
[ conference website ]
This is my first paper in which I take a closer look at a general model-to-image registration process, and its applicability
to the problem of positioning construction drawings against BIM models. This is the first step towards the
consistency verification between these two objects.
Technical report on model exchange between Revit and Allplan using IFC: a case study for a bridge model
Maciej Trzeciak;
Borrmann, A;
Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation (CMS), TUM, Germany, 2018
This report presents the process of exchanging 3D digital models between two most common modeling software products in the AEC industry,
in particular emphasizing the limitations of the modifiability of geometry.
- Supervisor, 3F3: Statistical Singal Processing, Michaelmas Term, 2020
- Demonstrator and Marker, 3F3: Random Variables and Random Number Generation Lab, Michaelmas Term, 2020
- Instructor, Practical session on Scan2BIM, Lent Term, 2021 and
Practical exercise on Scan2BIM, Summer Term, 2021
- Demonstrator, Plastic Collapse Lab, Lent Terms 2020, 2021
- Supervisor, BSc and MSc Theses, Winter & Summer Terms 2018, 2019
- Co-supervisor, Software Lab, Summer Term 2019
- Exam Marker, Intro to Computer Science, Winter & Summer Terms 2018, 2019